Oakland: March 2007

Oakland: March 2007
Arrived late. Parked illegally. Streets empty. Still. Only this magnificent voice, winding around the corners, echoing upside the skyscrapers. Goosebumps. This is History. I am a part of history. And everybody else knows it, too

Monday, August 27, 2007

Obama: Not About Locking up the DC Establishment

Is America really looking for a candidate who has the blessing and backing of DC?

I think not.

Not only are the Democrats disillusioned by their representatives failure to take decisive action in the first 8 months (the latest being the inexcusable midnight hour passage of the new NSA/FISA debacle) against this administration, but I believe potential Republican voters are shell shocked by a party run amuck by the Bush Crime Family.
Obama’s message of appeal to the majority of Americans (and not just that 51%) is truly a winning vision in this campaign. And would be the major message conveyed by MSM if they were actually reporting on the buzz on the ground.

Obama’s growing sense of himself as established enough now to speak directly and honestly to issues and to stand even taller after massive ongoing expertly coordinated attacks to put yet another truth out there is becoming a phenomenon in and of itself. You wouldn’t know it, however, unless you were really watching and listening to primary source references and not tv, web or print media NLP lynching extravaganzas. (and I apologize for the use of this word but this is exactly what I see occurring and it would be occurring to any candidate who threatened the new status quo)

But as it appears now, the emphasis is on getting this nomination process over as soon as possible (witness the recent horror of the repercussions on Florida perhaps loosing its delegates) AND the focus focus focus is on the ‘inevitability’ of a Clinton nomination as a fait accompli sans any valid scrutiny by either the press or those who as representatives of the press magnificently control the debate process. The Clinton campaign during this short process hopes to continue its policy of sending out Mr. Wolfson to deflect any questioning of his candidate by Senator Obama as breaking his campaign pledge to run a clean campaign AND to hold onto superiority by referring to the National Polls. Of course, nobody is even bothering to question the conflict of interest involved in many of these polls, being run by media whose interests are directly tied in to supporting a candidate who will ensure continued US military involvement overseas through their affiliations with huge military conglomorates and Big Oil.

Environmental activist and writer Paul Hawken’s most recent book Blessed Unrest discusses the birthing of over hundreds of thousands of grass roots organizations globally which have sprung into existence while we were looking elsewhere. That is the feeling one comes away with after attending a Barack Obama rally. Where did all these people come from? Where have they been hiding? And how does MSM and their candidates continue to hold onto the idea that they can win this thing in the face of such a monumental movement?

The problem is there is no voice, no cohesion for these people. Most asssuredly, there is no political party to represent them. No media outlet to present non-editorialized or undistorted representations of their message.

A candidate who controls the DC establishment is the WRONG candidate for these people. The DC establishment does NOT REPRESENT them. And the question becomes how can the Obama campaign succeed in signing the unrepresented people to vote and ensurd that come primary day there are sufficient opportunities and locations for them to vote and know their vote will be counted? How does this campaign ensure that these potential supporters understand in Clear and Concise terms that this election is NOT about representing the DC establishment but ih defeating it?

As I see it, Camp Obama represents the sole grassroots movement in the US which is currently offering us the opportunity to mobilize and move out into our communities and to communities beyond our natural boundaries with information and registration materials and sign up sheets to ensure that the DC establishment NO LONGER determines who Americans elect as their next president. Camp Obama has the unique opportunity to EDUCATE Americans about what has happened to our government and how we are now at the ‘tipping point’ .... Returning to a Clinton Whitehouse means a continuation of the partisanship which has so effectively kept our attention diverted from the real issues which have morphed the US into a country most would not recognize if their minds were cleared from the pumped-pumped-pumped salad-spin of propaganda, lies and disinformation we’ve been tossing in since the Reagan years. How many among us have had the chance to come up for air?

I think John Edwards would make a wonderful president. I just don’t believe he has a chance of winning. What I do believe is that Obama is our best chance of rising as a people again and having our sheer number, our enthusiasm and inspiration, our shared desire for vast change in government fight tous ensemble against a Hillary nomination. Frankly, this might be our best and only chance to defeat MSM, the ridiculous poll numbers, and the DC establishment.

Let’s be honest here. The mega-conglomorates, the self-perpetuating, horrifically evolving military industrial complex now controls everything. Except the multitudes. The unwittingly silenced and dispossessed. Our only hope against the annihilation of our core rights – life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness – necessitates the joining of forces against this insidious enemy. We have no time to quibble amongst ourselves. Right now, we need to move beyond politics and talk survival.

To me that means Obama.

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